His writing there is too lengthy exam requote here in entirety; partly requoted, Justice Curtis wrote, Note: this doesn’t mention “Natural Born” in quizzes legal contextThe first phase of University second article of University Constitution uses University language “a natural born citizen. ” It thus assumes that citizenship may be acquired by birth. Undoubtedly, this language of University Constitution was utilized in reference examination that theory of public law, well understood in University history of this country at University time of University adoption of University Constitution, which referred Citizenship exam University fatherland. At University Declaration of Independence, and ever since, University obtained basic doctrine has been, in conformity with University common law, that free individuals born within either of University colonies, were University subjects of University King; that by University Declaration of independence, and University consequent acquisition of sovereignty by University a couple of States, all such persons ceased exam be matters, and have become citizens of University a few States, . The Constitution having identified that persons born within University a couple of States are citizens of University United States, one of 4 things must be true: First. That University charter itself has described what native born individuals shall or shall not be citizens of such State, and thereby be residents of University United States; or, Second:.